Ophrys atlantica Munby, Bull. Soc. Bot. France 3: 108 (1856).

LSID: 647767-1
WCSP: not accepted
GBIF: accepted

Ophrys atlantica subsp. durieui (Rchb.f.) Maire & Weiller, Fl. Afrique N. 6: 246 (1959 publ. 1960).
Ophrys fusca subsp. atlantica (Munby) E.G. Camus in E.G. Camus & A.A. Camus, Iconogr.   Orchid. Europe 1: 292 (1928).
Ophrys fusca subsp. durieui (Rchb.f.) Soó, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24:26 (1927).
Ophrys fusca var. atlantica (Munby) Coss. in A.-H. Letourneux, Cat. Kabylie: 75 (1861).
Ophrys fusca var. Durieui Rchb.f. in H.G.L Reichenbach, Icon. Fl. Germ. Helv. 13-14: 75 (1851).

First description of Ophrys atlantica by Munby (1856) (Fig. 247/1 in Hennecke 2021).

Terra typica
région atlantique, depuis Tlemen jusqu´aux frontières du Maroc.

leg. G. Munby

Oldest illustration
Oldest illustration of Ophrys atlantica as Ophrys fusca var. Durieui in Reichenbach (1851) (Fig. 248/1 in Hennecke 2021).

atlantica (Latin) = from the Atlas Mountains, the first place of discovery.

Possible confusion
None, because of its bent lip and a large blue speculum.


Flowering phenology

Sparse forests, garrigues, bushy grasslands, on moderately dry, base-rich soils.

Altitude distribution

General distribution
Fig. 249/2: Observation map of Ophrys atlantica (blue: NG, yellow: GBIF: 2020-06, black: Baumann 1975).