Ophrys murbeckii H.Fleischm., Oesterr. Bot. Z. 74: 183, in adnot., hybr. (1925).

LSID: 648006-1

WCSP: not accepted
GBIF: not accepted

Ophrys lutea subsp. murbeckii (H. Fleischm.) Soó, Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 24:25 (1927).
Ophrys galilaea subsp. murbeckii (H. Fleischm.) Del Prete, Webbia 38: 213 (1984).


Terra typica
Afrique du Nord
a) Algérie, Prov. de Const .: between Bougie & Cap Carbon
b) Tunisie: Paturages du Dj. Serdj; sommet you Kalaa-el-Harrat

a) leg. Murbeck & Olin.,
b) leg. Murbeck (Baumann & Künkele 1986)
Lectotype: 1896-06-09, Tunisia, Dj. Serdj, leg.S. Murbeck, in herb P, P00428487 (Lowe 2011)

Oldest illustration
Fig. 196/1 in Hennecke (2021).

named after Svante Samuel Murbeck (* October 20, 1859, † May 26, 1946), a Swedish professor, botanist and researcher.

Possible confusion
The angle measurement on the shoulder does not allow any distinction between the paleohybrid Ophrys murbeckii and the spontaneous hybrid Ophrys x battandieri. Further more, there are plenty of F/BC hybrids with Ophrys x battanderi, O. lutea, O. fusca and O. subfusca, see Gölz & Reinhard (2000).The distribution area is different to O. sicula.

Enormous, due to hybrydisation.

Flowering phenology
March to May (Baumann et al. 2006)

Fruit set

Pollinator insects

Chromosome number
x = 18, 2n = 2x = 36 (CCDB)

Ophrys murbeckii grows in more humid habitats than O. sicula or O. lutea.

Altitude distribution
0-800 m (Baumann et al. 2006)

General distribution