Ophrys subgen. Bombyliflorae sect. Speculum Hennecke, Beitr. Ophrys 154 (2021).

LSID: 77297532-1

Ophrys sect. Ophrys Nelson 1962 pp
Ophrys sect. Ciliatae P.Quentin 2005 (nom. inval).
Ophrys sect. Speculi Hennecke 2014 (nom. inval).


Ophrys speculum Link, J. Bot. (Schrader) 1799 (2): 324 (1800), nom. cons.

Ophrys speculum var. speculum
                                   var. lusitanica
                                  var. orientalis
                                   x vernixia
Ophrys regis-ferdinandii
               x buttleri

Lip flat, width/length in a ratio of ≤ 1:2 

Ratio of ≤ 1:2

or edges of the lips are bent laterally downwards, side hairs therefore hardly visible from above, lip appears tubular and narrow from above, width/length in a ratio of ≥ 1: 4.

Ratio of ≥ 1: 4

Possible confusion
Both species can be clearly identified in their distribution area and cannot be confused. The varieties are more difficult to recognize because there are many transitional forms towards the nomiante species (Baumann et al. 2004).