Ophrys speculum Link,  J. Bot. (Schrader) 2: 324 (1799, pub. 1880), nom. cons.

LSID: 648125-1
WCSP: accepted
GBIF: accepted

Ophrys speculum Bertol. is a synonym of Ophrys bertolonii Moretti.
Ophrys speculum Steud. is a synonym of Ophrys lutea Cav..

Arachnites speculum Tod., Orchid. sicul.: 93 (1842).
Ophrys ciliata Biv., Sicul. Pl. 1:60 (1806).
Ophrys insectifera var. Δ L. (1753).
Ophrys vernixia Brot., Fl. Lusit. 1:24 (1804).

Orchis muscam majorem coeruleam repraesentans, Breyne (1678) (see Fig. 102/1).
Orchis Ricinum villosum referens, Cupani (1719-1722; see Fig. 15 in Baumann et al. 2004).


Terra typica
Portugal, around Setuval [south of Lisbon].

Holotype: leg. J.C. von Hoffmannsegg (Herbar Willdenow 16940 according to Buttler 1983: 41).

Oldest illustration/Älteste Abbildung
see Fig. 102/1:

speculum (Latin) = mirror/Spiegel.

Possible confusion/Verwechslungsmöglichkeit

Baumann et al. (2004) collected biometric data from Ophrys speculum over the entire Mediterranean. The diagram shows a continuum of flower size. If one can extract anything at all from this distribution, it is only the trend that Ophrys speculum is getting smaller towards east. This trend is not unusual, see Ophrys lutea or O. tenthredinifera.
Fig. 157/1: Biometric data from Ophrys speculum according to Baumann et al. (2004: 570; modified).
Three varieties are acknowledged:
- var. lusitanica (LSID: 77297533-1)
- var. lutescens (LSID: 77285864-1)
- var. orientalis (LSID: 77087581-1)
Var. lusitanica differs somewhat more clearly in the west from the nominate type, var. orientalis in the east differs only slightly in lip size and shape, lip color and hair on the edge, so that Baumann et al. (2004) did not consider a separation. Since such individuals always occur parallel to individuals of the nominate type, the rank as a subspecies is excluded according to Mayr (1942). The rank of a variety is also appropriate due to the lack of an own distribution area (see maps in Buttler 1983). There are also seldom apochromes (Greek: without color) individuals who are named as var. lutescens or forma flavescens (see picture by Boie 2010: 119).
According to Baumann et al. (2004) and to Danesch & Danesch (1969: 26), „speculum“ in Portugal and SW-Spain is higher in growth, with more flowers, lighter colored sepals and the lip is slimmer with green to brownish-yellow hair on the edges, compared to var. lusitanica. Mixed forms between this variety and the nominate form are common, and according to Baumann et al. (2004) to be called Ophrys x vernixia. These hybrids naturally have a great variability (see Fig. 1 in Baumann et al. 2004: 565). In addition, through backcrossings, there is a continuum of characteristic values, „whereby a clear separation in the transition area is hardly possible“ (Baumann et al. 2004: 565). Since the variety occurs at the same time as the nominate form (= sympatric), classification as a subspecies is excluded, on the one hand, and the populations with numerous mixed forms, on the other hand, prohibit classification as a species, following the biospecies concept.
The differences between var. orientalis and the nominate form are in fact not great, why the taxonomic rank of a variety is justified. The lip of this variety is slightly smaller, the speculum tends to be brighter and the hair also tends to be thicker. Kreutz (1998) also confirmes this for Turkey.

Flowering phenology

Fruit set
7.6% (Neiland & Wilcock 1998)

Pollinator insects
Dasyscolia ciliata subsp. ciliata (Meyer 1964, Paulus 2018).
Dasyscolia ciliata subsp. araratensis, eastern subspecies (Paulus & Salkowski 2007).
Self-pollination has been proven (Kullenberg 1961).

Chromosome number
x = 18, 2n = 2x = 36 (Greilhuber & Ehrendorfer 1975, Mrkvicka 1992, CCDB)

Sparse forests, garrigues, grasslands, former grassland, on dry to fresh, alkaline soils.

Altitude distribution

General distribution
Observation map of Ophrys speculum (blue: NG, yellow-orange: GBIF: 2020-06) with floral areas according to Buttler (1986).


between Ophrys speculum and
Ophrys speculum x Ophrys apifera         = x soller
Ophrys speculum x Ophrys argolica       = x rasbachii
Ophrys speculum x  bertolonii                   = x denisiana
Ophrys speculum x  bertoloniiformis       = x gabrielis
Ophrys speculum x  bombyliflora              = x fernandii
Ophrys speculum x  dyris                             = x breieri
Ophrys speculum x  ferrum-equinum      = x waldmanniana
                                                                             = x scalana
Ophrys speculum x  fusca                             = x eliasii
                                                                             = x capoliverii
                                                                             = x marinaltae
                                                                             = x nollicae
Ophrys speculum x  holosericea
Ophrys speculum x  incubacea                   = x pantaliciensis
Ophrys speculum x  morisii                          = x barbaricina
Ophrys speculum x  oxyrrhynchos              = x montis-grossi
Ophrys speculum x  passionis                      = x armentariae
                                                                              = x filiorum
Ophrys speculum x  regis-ferdinandii         = x buttleri
Ophrys speculum x  sicula                             = x mirtiae
                                                                              = x  scontusiana
Ophrys speculum x  sphegodes                   = x macchiattii
                                                                              = x  neokelleri
Ophrys speculum x  tenthredinifera           = x heraultii