Ophrys schulzei Bornm. & Fleischmann, Mitth. Thüring. Bot. Vereins n.s., 28: 60 (1911).

LSID: 648103-1

Ophrys schulzei subsp. kurdica H. Fleischm., Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 33 (2): 204 (1915).
Ophrys luristaııica Renz, Orchidee (Hamburg) 24:47 (1973).

Terra typica
Iraq, Kurdistan (Assyria): on the eastem slope of Kuh-i-Sefin (east of Erbil) above Shaklava, (Arabic, or Saqlàwa, Syrian Aramaic) (coordinates Schaqlawa: 36 ° 24 ' N, 44 ° 21 ' E), 1,300 m.

Possible confusion
None. There is no other Ophrys species with such a small flower and appendage bent backwards.


Flowering phenology
Turkey: early May to early June (Kreutz 1998), Iran: April to mid-May (Renz 1978).

Altitude distribution

500 m (Turkey, Kreutz 1998) to 1,700 m (Iran, Renz 1978).

General distribution
Hennecke (2021), for Iraq: Renz (1978), Iran: Renz (1978), Lebanon: Baumann & Baumann (2002), Syria: Baumann & Baumamı (2002), Turkey: Kreutz (1998).